2009 Matagorda Madness
To all our dear friends gathering at the Matagorda Madness rally, Oscar and I are sad to say we will not be able to join you this year. Oscar has a nasty bronchial infection which we are battling with antibiotics, etc and we are laying low for a little while. We hope to see many of you at the upcoming Hill Country Hillapalooza.
We hope you have a great rally and many wonderful bonfires on the beach!
Sending get-well-soon wishes to the ailing Oscar!
Yes, indeed, "Beterschap" to Oscar!
Geeze, Oscar, ya gotta' get better soon ! I mean, like, who's gona' take care of Pete ?
Then we gotta' prowl the beach at St. George Island and make plans for high altitude Squirrel huntin' this coming Summer, get well soon, our buddy ! Your friends Poco & Dillon
Post Script:
Tried to correct a typo and nearly had a duplicate post. If mountainborn ever catches me a' messin' with his laptop, i'll be in the dog house for a very long time, he, he. Your pal Dillon
Get well soon. We love you.
Isabella the Italian Greyhound and her people.
Thanks, everyone, for the get well wishes. It helps lift my spirits. Pete's taking pretty good care of me. He won't let me go outside in the cold to play, but I do get to wrestle with the stuffed alligator!
Hope the little bugger gets to feeling better. Love following your travels.
Bill in Dallas
Hope you're continuing to improve. Glad to hear that Pete is taking good care of you.
Isabella the Italian Greyhound (and her pack of peoples)
I'm feeling a LOT better lately, but I do have a complaint against Pete. They've given me puppy steroids that have increased my appetite a lot and no matter how much I stare at him and look forlorn while he eats, he still won't feed me off his dinner plate.
Grrrrrrrr!! (that's the steroids talking) all will be better when these meds are out of my itty bitty system . . .
Hope it's not too cold for you up in Illinois . . . tell your human to throw another log on the fire.
I'm glad you're feeling better. Just give Pete "the Look" and he'll rush to give you people food. (It works at least half the time with my peoples.) They are really good about keeping me warm; I have my choice of three comfy beds, and several fleece blankets, which all make very nice places for my afternoon nap. Have to keep up on the beauty sleep, you know. I have to go now. Dad is cooking something in the kitchen so I need to go supervise. I'm the official taste tester for his creations. Get all better soon and I'll bark at you later, Isabella
Merry Christmas to Pete, Oscar and the Wonder Egg.
Hello Pete. I've Just Stumbled Across Your "Blog." Hope Oscar Is Better And Better. Pete, You're Living My Dream, "Traveling In A Small RV." I'm Recently Retired And Have An Egg In My Near Future, Hopefully. I Speak Spanish, And Matagorda Means, "Kill The Fat." Or, Literal Translation Is, "Kill The Fat Bitch." Excuse The Last Word. Your Meanderings Are Very Enjoyable And I'll Continue To Follow Your Writings. Sincerely Ed.
Glad you've discovered our blog. Oscar & I are at the point in our lives where we really enjoy the slow meander across the land, seeing interesting things and meeting new people. we're glad when our "wandering thoughts" will bring a smile or moment's distraction to others . . .
You should check out www.fiberglassrv.com
Its a wonderful resource of folks with small molded fiberglass trailers that can help you on your quest for a cool little trailer.
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