Exhausted Oscar
An hour ago, Oscar ran into the den and started mumbling something about "Time's a wasting . . . Where to go? . . . and "I miss the Wonder Egg." I heard books thumping onto the floor and pages being turned rapidly. Then he exclaimed, "Eureka, that's IT!" Curious as to what the furkid was up to, I went to the den and found one tired little dog surrounded by a multitude of camping books, maps, and magazines. Oscar quietly said "I found it Pete, I found our next camping site!"

Then his voice trailed off into whispers as he fell fast asleep before informing me of our next destination . . . .
The adventure continues . . .
Tell us!! where are you heading next?! It's always fun to read your blogs, and now I'm curious!
Anyway, do you happen to have plans where to be around the first week of october? I still have to use my voucher for a ticket to (or in) the US (how hard life is ;)), so maybe I'll come and see some of the wonderfull spots on my own. But if you have tips on nice and fun cities to go to (thinking of Miami, San Francisco, Chicago or Boston) I would like to hear those too!
I'll email later!
oh well, I meant seeing the spots for myself...! And tips on gooed cities to go to for a week or so are really welcome, since I'm not that good at deciding....and have to book before the 16th or something (help!):O
And (for the serious tone) take care these coming days...
Oscar is so cute sleeping! I sure hope you update the blog soon so we know where your going! I hope you don't mind me suggesting a place. Alabama Creek located 1805 E. Lufkin,TX 75901. You don't have to go there but i suggest you go there sometime. There's Biking, Camping, Driving, Equestrain, Fishing, Hiking, Hunting,(maybe something you don't wanna do), and Wildlife viewing. Please anwser back:)
The website is http://www.tpwd.state.tx.us/spdest/ go to Campsites and Facillities then Wildlife Management Areas that allow camping. Next go to the catagorey Pineywoods then click Alabama Creek if your intrested. Thank you for reading this:D
Looks like a great place to camp! Thanks for the suggestion, but Oscar has other plans for us next weekend. We'll have to visit the Alabama Creek WMA in the future, though.
Pete, these are very clever images/comments. Oscar is an angel to put up with your shenanigans. I can just see him rolling his little eyes as you start to gather up your props and map out the scenario in your head. I have 3 dogs, one very old, one pretty old, and the other young. I'm calculating how many lifetimes it would take to get any one of my bunch to cooperate like Oscar does. Have fun this weekend.
Oscar is a great thespian. He's also a good screenwriter and director. I'm the one that rolls my eyes as he orders me around for the best camera shots. He's can be quite particular . . .
Uh-huh. I see... And I'm sure Oscar is doing all the wine tasting while you follow him around clutching your bottle of fresh water.
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