Then you ask your granddaughter to size up 40 pounds of live crawfish in a bucket . . .
You do battle with defiant runaways . . .
You then start the boil with spices, lemon juice, onions, & garlic . . . man does that smell goood!
You take the defiant crawfish and his 1000 cousins and "let 'em go for a swim" as master chef, Will Perkins, stands by with the stirring spoon to make sure nobody falls out . . .
Toss in a few sticks of butter and some mushrooms . . . tell everyone to stop salivating so much!
Cover the table with paper and a cardboard tray then make a mountain of the crawfish, onions, and garlic. Decorate on top with sweet corn and 'taters . . .
After the feast is over, lay back, relax, and savor the memory . . .