Well, we've done it . . . we took care of household logistics and Oscar & I are beginning our initial BIG TIME adventure! Wish us luck as we strike out for points generally known with timing totally up in the air.
This morning started with an unusual strong thunderstorm and rain system that delayed our departure time by a couple hours. Somehow, I just couldn't see sending Oscar out in the rain to hook up the trailer. You know, he's such a sweet little dog he complained he might melt in the rain. HA! Besides, he was too busy cowering and doing the "shakey dog" thing every time thunder roared across the sky. I think he imagines some huge, hungry dog "up there" looking for a little snack . . . HIM!!!!!!
One of the joys is that time is very flexible and we're just going with the flow . . . huuuummmmmmm . . . :)
We've bedded down 4 miles inside Louisiana at a casino RV stop. $5 to park, with water & electricity - whoohooo! They figure we'll give 'em all our quarters on the slots and make up for it . . . not a chance.
Tomorrow - Biloxi, MS or somewhere thereabouts.
Petie Pie,
We were talking about you last night wondering where in your journey you might be. Sounds like you and Oscar are doing well, as usual. Send some of those thunderstorms this way, would you? Take care and have fun!
Gayle & Richard
My wife and I briefly met Pete and Oscar at Raccoon Holler in Glendale Springs, NC. We were in the 35' Winabago Adventure on site 123. We were surprised to see how much equipment you can sqeeze into an EGG.
It's rumored Pete can play some type of woodwind instrument but he didn't give us the pleasure of letting us hear him in the evening.
Stay dry and safe guys. We're back home in Maryland now as we left early before T.S. Hanna brought more rain. You keep an ear out for hurricane Ike and head in the opposite direction if it comes ashore.
We'll be following your travels.
If you're ever in Maryland look us up. We have 30 amp and septic service here. It will only cost you a cup of sugar;-)
Jeff & Janet
P.S. We found out the antidote for chocolate poisoning for dogs is a small amount of hydrogen peroxide and milk. Keep some on hand. We called the poision control center (202-625-3333) on our drive back after Thomas (our oldest dog) ate several ounces of dark chocolate. He recovered, thank goodness!!!
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